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Landlords Needed
for upcoming school semester

List Today and Get Your First Listing Free

Rent Your Place Faster

Apartment Buildings as Low as $1 Per Day

Access Current Students

Landlords & property managers find great students looking for quality student rentals through our powerful network of over 100 university & city-based website portals. Our contracted schools ensure accountability and results for that great student tenant.

Landlords enjoy their first 30 day listing free. No credit card required.

Smart Listing Search

We have a constantly evolving system for searching for your Ideal Home.

API Ready

We accept API data-feeds for real-time pricing and listing updates. Don't have an API - ask us?

Your place helps

80% of students live off-campus.
And need safe, quality housing.

Help students find a home away from home

OCH101 assists colleges & universities in providing a managed & branded online off-Campus housing solution for their students, faculty, and staff.

Experience you can trust with over 20 years of helping students find a home away from home.

  • We were first to provide a web-based off-campus housing solution to students, universities and landlords in the country over 20 years ago.
  • Our solution is branded to the school so it is seamless to students - providing for a more immersive experience. It is said that finding housing may be the most stressful part of college life.
  • All listings are vetted by our staff to ensure they are legitimate. We utilize both technology and good old fashioned people to validate both the landlord and the property. Watch for the “Verified Landlord” image on the ads.
  • Many of our partnered schools housing departments have maintained we have made life easier by taking off-campus off their plate to allow them to focus on students service and on-campus housing requirements.
  • We follow the federal Fair Housing Act, to make sure all our students are treated equally. Find out more on HUD.GOV.

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And help students find safe housing near campus.

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